Monday, May 25, 2009

Canada Dream

We arrived back into the UK yesterday after a gruelling 9 hour flight with some very fond memories of our Canada trip and are already planning our return trip for next year. Primarily, our reasons for visiting Canada this time around was to get married but you simply can't help being overwhelmed by the beauty of this amazing country. Both Dee and I have fallen in love and both agree that the Canadian Rockies has some of the most stunning scenery on earth and incredible wildlife to boot!

During my travels I have visited the Masai Mara, Gora Gora Crater and Serengeti Kenya and stood under a cloudless sky at the base of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, but I'm left in no doubt as to which I have fallen in love with the most!
On our last day in Calgary we took the opportunity to visit the local bird sanctuary, Inglewood, which is located just on the outskirts, next to the Bow River. What an amazing last day we spent at this remarkable reserve.

Upon arrival our first observation of the day was an Osprey circling high above. As we continued our walk, choosing a path which led around the lagoon towards the Bow River, it wasn't long before our bird-log had registered Tree Swallow, Chickadee, American Wigeon and Blue Winged Teal. Dee, who is fast becoming the mammal expert of the team, was delighted to have picked up on the ever present Gopher and shortly before arriving at the river a pair of Mule Deer.
What greeted us at the Bow River was a major delight to me in the form of 30+ Franklin Gull (pictured), which it turns out are a regular here and a bird I'd never seen before! Continuing on we came across a single Spotted Sandpiper and several California and Ringed Bill Gull.

Our path took us away from the river and around to a few very peaceful lagoons, surrounded by a good selection of tree cover, where we came across Gray Jay, Northern Flicker, a very noisy and colourful member of the Woodpecker family, and Western Wood Pewee, which was confirmed to me by a couple of the volunteer wardens we'd met, Marnie and Mick.

At the end of our amazing visit and as it happened the end to our amazing holiday, we'd had an incredible wildlife count which also included, Hooded Merganser, several American Pelican, which arrived during our visit, Merlin and fantastic views of Swainson's Hawk. Dee and I were also delighted to see a lone Beaver swimming back to his lodge and were told, although didn't actually see, a Coyote was on the reserve.

Our list for Canada 2009 can be found Here.